Nicole C Mullen
Nicole C Mullen can be booked through this site. Nicole C Mullen entertainment booking site. Nicole C Mullen
is available for public concerts and events. Nicole C Mullen can be booked for
private events and Nicole C Mullen can be booked for corporate events and
meetings through this Nicole C Mullen booking page.
Unlike most middle agents that would mark
up the performance or appearance fee for Nicole C Mullen, we act as YOUR agent in
securing Nicole C Mullen at the best possible price. We go over the rider for
Nicole C Mullen and work directly with Nicole C Mullen or the responsible agent for
Nicole C Mullen to secure the talent for your event. We become YOUR agent,
representing YOU, the buyer.
In fact, in most cases we can negotiate for
the acquisition of Nicole C Mullen for international dates and newer promoters
providing you meet professional requirements.
Nicole C Mullen Biography
Nashville-based singer/songwriter, minister, and choreographer Nicole Mullen has worked as a vocalist with Michael W. Smith, as a songwriter for Jaci Velasquez, and as a dancer and choreographer with Amy Grant for her Heart in Motion tour. One of the songs she co-wrote for Velasquez, On My Knees, won the 1998 GMA Song of the Year award; her self-titled 2000 debut features more of her unique songwriting, which blends R&B, folk, gospel, and pop into a style she calls funkabilly. ~ Heather Phares, All Music Guide
Written by Heather Phares